Data visualization and online portal

Especially for the requirements of the art and culture environment, we have developed an online portal that provides all the data gained in the project with a simple navigation interface. We pay attention to absolute clarity, fast download times and a categorization of the data for quick retrieval in case of need.



Laser Scanning

In LASER scanning, a LASER beam is sent to a point by means of a rotating mirror system and this reflection (transit time) is evaluated. Through this evaluation so-called point clouds arise - a three-dimensional representation (x / y / z) of the space surrounding the scanner.

These point clouds are simple coordinates in space and - in order to be able to process them further (3D printing, milling, etc.) - have to be converted into a three-dimensional mesh (triangulation). There are always 3 points connected with a triangle ("triangulation").


3D Photogrammetry

How does archiDAT¦4D differ from traditional methods of capture?

No point clouds but closed, detailed meshes.
All data can be generated in almost any resolution.
Particular attention should be paid to the area of ​​restorations or to the reconstruction of detailed geometrical properties of the object.